ICL means Implantable Collamer® Lens and is a state-of-the-art vision correction procedure.  The EVO ICL lens is placed inside the eye behind the iris (the colored part of the eye) and helps correct nearsightedness and astigmatism. The EVO ICL lenses are safe, effective, UV protective, and give a phenomenal visual result. You have many vision correction options, and ICLs can give you better vision than LASIK in certain cases. In fact, if you are very nearsighted, this may be the best option for vision correction.

EVO ICL’s are for people who want to see without glasses and contacts, even if they’ve been told they can’t have LASIK. Not a LASIK candidate? Not a problem for EVO.


How it Works

During the ICL procedure, there is no discomfort. A small opening is created at the edge of the cornea. The EVO ICL is folded, inserted through the opening, and positioned in the eye in front of your natural lens. The procedure takes less than 10 minutes, the visual results are almost immediate, and has a quick recovery time. Worldwide, more than 1 million EVO Visian ICL lenses have been implanted.



“There is a group of patients that have been told they are not a candidate for any vision correction surgery. ICL provides these patients a new option.”

Benefits of the EVO ICL

Benefits of the EVO procedure include fewer office visits! The EVO ICL is an updated Collamer lens that eliminates the need for a pre-surgical prep-step that was necessary with earlier versions of the ICL. If you are seeking vision correction for nearsightedness with or without astigmatism, the EVO ICL is a flexible solution that may be right for you. You can start and finish the process in as little as 24-48 hours. Other benefits include:


  • Delivers sharp, clear vision
  • Patients enjoy excellent night vision
  • Can correct high levels of myopia (nearsightedness) as well as astigmatism
  • 5 to 10-minute procedure with quick recovery time
  • Appropriate for patients that cannot have laser vision correction due to thin corneas
  • Does not cause dry eyes or worsen symptoms of dry eye syndrome
  • Made of Collamer, a biocompatible material that works in harmony with your eye
  • Gives UV protection
  • Designed for permanent vision correction but is removable and reversible if ever needed

Is EVO ICL Right For Me? 

EVO Visian ICL is well-suited for a wide variety of people. Ideal candidates for EVO Visian ICL are aged 21 to 45 with nearsightedness with or without astigmatism and have maintained a stable prescription for at least one year. This procedure is not covered under insurance. If you are seeking a solution to decrease or eliminate the cost and frustration of traditional contacts or glasses, EVO ICL may be your answer. Contact us to discuss if EVO ICL is right for you.

Am I a candidate for the ICL?

The EVO ICL is used to treat myopia and myopic astigmatism. It can be used to treat up to 20D of myopia and up to 4D of astigmatism. There are a few other factors we measure if someone is considering EVO ICL surgery, which is why the best way to learn if this surgery is right for you is to schedule a consultation with one of our eye doctors.

EVO ICL may be right for you if:

  • You are over the age of 18
  • You are interested in a vision correction solution for moderate to severe nearsightedness (with or without astigmatism)
  • Your prescription has not significantly changed within the last year
  • You have healthy eyes with the exception of being nearsighted or have astigmatism

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Jordan Masters to find out today!